News Dizme Hackaton Winner
"Easy&Safe Access" B2T winner!

NiEW won the Dizme Foundation challenge!


Easy&Safe Access” B2T winner!

This morning was held the award ceremony of This is me Hackathon_​21” challenge’ winners, an initiative by Dizme Foundation and Cariplo Factory in collaboration with InfoCert, presented last march during the Milan Digital Week event. The aim is to identify orginal ideas and create innovative solutions on the theme of decentralized digital identity, Self Soverign Identity (SSI).

Through This is me — Hackathon_​21”, Dizme Foundation wants to promote the development of a new identity model that allows us to gain real control over our data and protect our privacy. 

NiEW took part and won the Business to Things” challenge!
This is Me Dizme Hackaton_21

Digital identity becomes a necessity that can no longer be postponed, because if digital solutions have addressed the technological question of how to connect objects, we are still behind on how to manage people”, said during his speech Francesco Contini, Marketing Manager of Aqua, one of the jurors who evaluated the solutions of the B2T challenge. Problems can no longer be addressed in a sectorial way, but a holistic approach is needed: the object, the person, the legal question, the monetary exchange that exist within the interactions, are connected to identities that should return to the property of the people”, he concluded.

Today, large organizations need to be aware that they are moving towards an SSI model, in which the user is placed at the center of the processes and gets back in possession of their data. From this challenge we have drawn cues of value because an intelligent use of these technologies allows us to make many processes more efficients, like the access to the yards, people skills recognition, the possibility of allowing contingent access to certain places: these are real use case that can solve concrete problems”, remarked Marco Tagliavacche, Corporate Experience Designer of RINA, another member of the jury.

This is Me Dizme Hackaton_21 Jury

NiEW created the Easy&Safe Access” solution with which they won the challenge! The application, designed for certification bodies, includes the use of IoT devices, in particular SmartGate, which can allow or deny access to professional users depending on whether they are in possession of credentials or not.

Easy&SafeProposal - This is Me Dizme Hackaton_21

A path full of stimuli has been completed today, a few weeks of study and design that have led us to realize two proof of concepts that have effectively improved the usually long and comlex User Experience B2B processes. The Dizme Hackathon gave us the pleasure of confronting ourselves with a new technology and the awareness that in the coming years the SSI will really change the lives of all of us, as users, professionals and citizens”, said Daniele De Cia, Partner & Founder of NiEW. ““A big thank you to the organization, the jurors and the participants!”