News Remote Working Co Design
A co-design workshop is strategic to align the point of view of all the people involved in the project and to find solutions, quickly and effectively, to solve a problem or to size new opportunities.

Creative activities can be effective and pleasant even by remote

A co-design workshop is strategic to align the point of view of all the people involved in the project and to find solutions, quickly and effectively, to solve a problem or to size new opportunities.

This health emergency has forced many of us to work remotely in an unprepared organizational situation. On the other hand, this condition has helped to clarify some crucial aspects of remote working, i.e. the need to reorganize the method of coordination of the work to be remodeled through objectives and flexibility. A transition to a new phase is also needed to this purpose to be more structured when we will be free to choose; a period of which we do not know the duration.

In NiEW we have been applying remote working operating methods for some time also to manage our most creative activities, which the adoption of the Design Thinking methodology requires. In this short video Teresa Alaniz, Senior UX Designer Consultant in NiEW, tells how, for example, you can effectively organize a remote co-design workshop with valid technological support tools. 

Remote operation that we have guaranteed throughout the lockdown period, and that we will also carry out for all the other activities of our projects