From our CEO Andrea Violante
Expanding our horizons opening a foreign office
“Navigating” profitably through uncertainty
Let’s start this new year with the awareness that uncertainty is increasingly evident to everyone.
The concept of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) perfectly describes the world in which we live and work: we think of the pandemic, the economic crisis it caused, the very strong geopolitical tensions that evoke scenarios that we hoped would be overcome.
In recent years we’ve operated in this competitive context, helping our Clients to “navigate profitably through uncertainty”. The results achieved together have confirmed that Business design, applying (fast, collaborative, bottom-up and iterative) Design Thinking tools and methods to purely business issues, ensures an effective approach even with this great volatility.
This year we will have the opportunity to challenge ourselves again by expanding our horizons, reaching new territories, which we have never touched before. In fact, we are happy and excited to announce the opening of a foreign office in a high growing potential Country that we will reveal in the coming weeks.
In an ever-changing world we must always be ready to adapt and seize opportunities. “Navigating profitably through uncertainty” has never been more important than today. We will work to make this true today and tomorrow, here and elsewhere.
For a better and more prosperous future.