News UX Challenge 2022
February 18, at 4PM

A Design Sprint by Hub Innovazione Trentino

making event

February 18, at 4PM

The UX Challenge has been launched by Hub Innovazione Trentino, in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler — FBK, Università di Trento, Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A., Istituto Pavoniano Artigianelli, Confindustria Trento, supported by Architecta and Dolomiti UX Club.
From February 14 to 18, seven university students team are engaged in a challenge of digital interaction and usability launched by as many companies operating in the manufacturing, services or IT sectors. 

In addition to maximizing interface usability, the goal is also to innovate features and interaction mode between users and systems.

Business people and user experience design agencies also partecipate as mentors: NiEW, internationally awarded for design projects in the manufacturing sector, is involved in the activity of the working team that accepted the challenge launched by PAMA company from Rovereto, world leader in the production of large machine tools.

On Friday, February 18th at 4 pm, the solutions to the seven challenges will be presented in an online final public event dedicated to businesses and interested people.

To register https://​bit​.ly/​3​u​OMwxh

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