News FICEP Red Dot
Polaris is the new Ficep Group's corporate operating system for Steel Construction machinery.

Another award-winning project: Polaris wins a RedDot 2020 Award!


Polaris is the new Ficep Group’s corporate operating system for Steel Construction machinery.

Polaris is the name of the new corporate operating system for steel construction machinery, of which Ficep Group in Varese is the world’s largest producer. 

It is a unique user interface for different types of machines, designed to streamline the whole process from planning, to production, to performance monitoring and analysis.

Being the cornerstone of the whole end-to-end process, Polaris focuses on productivity improvement guaranteeing full performance operativity even to inexperienced users across multiple shifts, a usual critical scenario for the Steel Construction industry. 

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The interface, which is inspired by the User Experience of consumer devices, provides personalized access levels to support the needs of all the functions during the entire process, from the worker to the system manager, to the technician.