
Digital Innovation
for Traditional Business

Business competition today is raising the stake. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are what companies face on a daily basis. Digital innovation is the main lever to a cultural, organizational, operational change that can generate new value. It is not a choice. It’s the path everyone has to follow.


From strategy to actions

We design and deliver:

********** ATTENZIONE HACK **********

********** ATTENZIONE HACK **********


per abilitare la lightbox di visualizzazione video almeno un blocco "Testo e Media" deve essere abilitato, ma quando è abilitato occupa spazio anche se il corpo testo è vuoto, e il campo "Titolo" non può essere lasciato vuoto

Quindi: nascondo questo elemento via CSS

Il CSS HACK si trova in Globals > Script di terze parti ed è questo:

.c-service-media__block-container {
 display: none;

Digital Product Innovation

In an increasingly fast-paced world, Product Innovation never stops. The product innovation tradtional model is no longer appropriate to develop competitive products: what is needed is a collaborative, agile and scalable model, that evolves through data management in real time. Since 2012, NiEW supports Clients steering them through product innovation challenges to help them develop competitive products and generates new revenue streams.

Smart Connected Products

Product connectivity and the exponential sensor’ growth enable following two main directions: increase current product performances to ensure greater effectiveness and efficiency, or envision completely new products and services. NiEW supports organizations to evolve along these two paths, that represent the first steps towards digital innovation.

Digital Business Evolution

What generated value in the past no longer works today. Volatility, uncertainity, complexity and ambiguity shape the context in which companies operate.
NiEW guides organizations in structured but agile, fast and collaborative journeys to identify and prototype new and sustainable business models, from business Strategy to Execution.

Innovation Management

Innovation is often made possibile by cross-functional projects in which several company departments are involved. While the strategy is usually clear, we know that challenge is in the execution.
NiEW has developed outstanding experience in supporting, coordinating and managing innovation projects and programs, driving organizations to reach solid and successful results.

Internal Process Digital Optimization

The speed at which markets change requires increasingly agile, flexible and fast internal processes. This is why Digital innovation is no longer an option: Digital Platforms are the solution.
NiEW helps Clients to optimize and rationalize internal processes focusing on finding the solution that best fits business requirements.

Capability building

Capabilities are not forever; competencies expire. The abilities that previously guaranteed a competitive advantage, are outdated by the speed at which dynamics and environmental conditions change. NiEW can help organizations to renew their competencies leveraging the extensive experience developed in a variety of industries, through research and continuous testing of numerous solutions.